Project Details and Timescales
This rural housing project has been informed by the affordable housing need assessment and site selection consultation which is explained in the “Why do we need new homes in Exmoor” section of this website which can be viewed here. The details provided below are draft, prepared in discussion with the Local Planning Authorities. Plans will not be finalised until we have completed local consultation activities.
About us
Cherwyn Developments is a small property development company based in Somerset. Founded in 2018, the company has a reputation for building quality new homes in rural communities. Please click here to find out more about us.
The proposed development would see a total of 15 new homes built on land at Dunkery View Farm, next to Moorland Hall, and 1 new home at the smaller site off Higher Park Lane.
We are working with the Local Planning Authorities and affordable housing providers to understand:
The maximum number of local affordable homes that can be achieved. A legal agreement attached to any planning permission granted would prioritise affordable homes for occupation by people with a local connection to Wheddon Cross & Cutcombe Parish, or the immediately adjacent Parishes.
The minimum number of open market homes required to financially cross-subsidise the cost of building the affordable homes.
The suitable mix for homes across the two sites (e.g. bungalows, houses, flats).
To inform the above a site specific viability process is being undertaken to understand the minimum number of open market homes required to enable the scheme to be delivered.
The affordable housing will need to reflect the local affordable housing need identified in the Housing Need Survey in terms of size and tenure. It is important to note that the recent Local Housing Survey also showed a demand for small-scale open market housing in Exmoor.
Site Layout (Higher Park Lane) - click image to enlarge
The proposed houses would include 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties within houses, bungalows and flats to meet the local affordable housing need and provide a suitable mix of house sizes. Development would be 1-2 storey.
New houses would be built in local stone and render to reflect the character of the village and the wider Exmoor National Park. Examples from the village are shown.
A full landscape scheme is being prepared to retain existing hedgerows and plant new trees and hedgerows.
Access and Parking
Access to the Dunkery View Farm site would be provided from the existing farm access along the A396 running through the village. Visibility would be improved at that junction and an informal pedestrian access through Moorland Hall car park will be provided to allow residents to access local services and facilities.
Access to the smaller site to the north would use an existing driveway access off Higher Park Lane.
All new homes would have off-street parking and extra parking for visitors would be provided at the back of Moorland Hall.
This online consultation follows previous community engagement. This confirmed that there is a local affordable housing need and provided an indication of a preferred site to build new homes for local people.
This is a further step to seek the views of the community and businesses about the design of proposed development at the Dunkery View Farm site.
An in-person event also took place 4pm to 8pm, Wednesday 27th September 2023 at Moorland Hall. This provided a further opportunity for the community to provide views in person. To view the consultation boards from the in-person event please click here.
Following this latest consultation the intention is to submit a full planning application later in the year.